...giving thanks

...with thanksgiving now here…i can’t help but to reflect on this past year and how much life has changed since having my baby girl. running a business is challenging in itself…throw in the mix...a newborn, sleepless nights, and a scattered momma brain…and you have a true recipe for disaster. so I ask myself…how in the world did i make it this far and still manage to keep my head on straight (…for the most part, that is)? simple: thanks to all the wonderful people in my life. if i had to write a gratitude journal, it would look something like this…

…to our amazing clients - thank you for your continued support and belief in our business. it’s your excitement and passion for beauty that allows us to do what we love

…to my partner in crime, taylor - thanks for holding down the fort while I adjusted to this new life called motherhood. but more importantly…for your honest friendship over the years that has remained genuine and solid.

...to my adoring family – thank you for your unconditional love and support…especially in this past year when an extra hand makes all the difference in the world!

…to my loving husband – thank you for being my rock, my voice of reason, and a true partner through this amazing journey…there’s no one else i’d rather share these experiences with.

...and finally…to my darling sweet kylie quinn…words will never express how much you’ve touched my life and all that surrounds me. you are everything i could’ve ever wished for and more…just when i thought life couldn’t get any better, you showed up and proved me otherwise…thank you for reminding me every day what life is truly about…not the extravagance or the glitz…but the simple intimate moments shared between the ones you love. i will forever be grateful for you

...the best way i would sum up this past year – chaos! …an amazing...beautiful...crazy chaos!

..and i wouldn't change a thing! happy thanksgiving everyone! I hope you take the time to think about those who have touched your life…and give thanks…xo, mimi

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